Sunday, March 16, 2008


Hey ya'll (that's a joke, cause me trying to do a southern accent makes people laugh) so I'm guessing that my amazing audience coughdelaineycough wants to know WHY I haven't updated since, like, JANUARY. See, what happend was, one of my manuscripts was chosen to be published... no, not really. Lol, and manuscripts?- did you actully believe that???
What really happened was that my dad got an internet blocker that won't let me log onto blogger (I'm out of town right now so that is why I can post anything) as soon as I can get my dad to unblock it, I'll put up all my stuff from my awsome trip! So hang tight!
Later ya'll! (as if I could EVER say that in real life!)


1 comment:

Justine said...

I know I am such an amazing audience... I hate your computer blocker! Get rid of it NOW! Lol...Amanda saying y'all!