Thursday, January 31, 2008

Currently in West Hollywood!!!!!

This is my suitcase, I personalized it!!!!!!

Me in front of the Harry Potter stars's hand and foot prints!

This is the giant billboard for the Spiderwick Chronicles!


Here I Go

I am in the air port!
See ya!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I have been bouncing off the ceiling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I leave for L.A. tomorrow at 8 in the morning.
We check into The Chamberlin at 3.
The premiere is at 7.
I gotta go pack!

Monday, January 28, 2008

You must be bored....

You must be very bored, soooo.... here's the link to my fan fiction profile. You can read my stories if ya want!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

New addition.

I got an AlphaSmart Dana. That means more typing, all the time!!
By the way.....
5 days till the PREMIERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

7 days......

(I am kinda excited)
(just a little bit)
(I'm kidding)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Today is the 22nd!

Only 9 more days until the premiere!!!!!
I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I feel mellow right now. Sigh.
Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Holly Black was here.

I opened my blog up yesterday and I see that I have 2 new comments for my essay.
2 minutes later.....
I'm about to pass out with delight (if that is spelled wrongly, deal with it! Jk!)
Holly Black read my essay.
Holly Black found my blog.
Holly Black said that she can't wait to meet me.
Holly Black is the author of the The Spiderwick Chronicles.
More later!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008, the host of the contest, just posted a thingy saying that I won!!!!!! I am totally freaking out about it so, here's the link:

I AM FREAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Ultimate Fantasy Fan by Amanda

Okay, here's the actual essay that I won the prize for. As you begin to read, I cross my fingers, hoping that you will like it....


The abrupt disturbance among the shadowed trees echoed through the night sky as a young girl fled from her eager pursuers.
She tripped and tumbled her way through the underbrush, searching for a refuge that was not found.
Spotting the thrashing tree among the outskirts of the forest, she aimed her sprinting legs toward it with newfound hope.
The chasers behind her smiled and began to advance in full confidence that she was cornered. Soon the prize would be theirs for the taking.
The girl, Amanda, for that was her name; saw a flaw in her plan as the tree began to batter against her advances toward its trunk. As if granting her silent plea for help, a cat-like creature with a pig snout nose darted out from the forest. He clawed at a shallow knot in the wood with a stubby claw.
Suddenly, the tree froze. Entirely. From the very southern-most root to the tip-tops of its branches, the tree was motionless. Wasting no time, Amanda grabbed the cat-thing by the fur and dove through the hole that occupied the space between two large roots.
They tumbled through the downward-sloped opening, suddenly coming to a stop in the basement of an old and, apparently, forgotten house.
The Hobgoblin, not to be confused for a cat, stood up, dusted itself and glanced at Amanda. With adrenaline flowing, and in a mild shock, Amanda looked reasonably excited. She exchanged a silent glance with the Hobgoblin as they came to an agreement.
Moving forward, they began to climb a steep set of stairs that ascended into the gloomy darkness.
“So, its true then ‘innit?” the Hobgoblin grunted from the corner of his mouth, “That you’re —”
“Yeah, it is true,” Amanda replied hesitantly, “I am the Chosen One - I mean, The Ultimate Fantasy Fan.”
The Hobgoblin let loose a low whistle, pondering this for a moment, “So the people chasing you were…?”
“The runners up,” Amanda said, a little out of breath from climbing stairs, “Obviously, they really wanted to win.”
“So, what makes you the ‘Ultimate’?” The Hobgoblin said after a moment.
Amanda chose her words carefully, not wanting to be taken as arrogant, “I am… because I love it with an entirety of heart. Without fantasy, I couldn’t be the ‘me’ I am today. I am a Fantasy fan throughout my whole self.”
“You haven’t read all the fantasy books in existence,” her guide admonished.
“How could I ever?” replied Amanda in incredulence, “It’s not about how many books you’ve read or the smarts you’ve gained from them. It’s about being appreciative of them and loving the imagination that runs through their pages.”
The Hobgoblin grumbled to himself, wondering why he had volunteered to take the “Ultimate Fantasy Fan” to the “premiere.”
“So,” he said in search of a new topic, “have you read ‘The Spiderwick Chronicles’?”
“Of course!”

Desert Morning News

Hey there!
Guess what?
There's an article about me in the Desert Morning News!
Check it out:

It's pretty awsome!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Welcome to my blog!!!

Hey there!
This is Amanda (The Ultimate Fanasty Fan!) welcoming you to my blog!!!!
See ya later!